CdV Meeting Minutes 10-3-2019

Open @ 7:05pm

Seneschal: Lord Bjorki opened with not much going on. Quarterly Officer Reports due on the 15th of this month.

Herald: Herr Wilhelm von Dusseldorf stated he did give several short consults at Acorn at War, was voice herald for a tournament and his Deputy, Æsa, did perform silent court heraldry. Herr Wilhelm wished to note that members don’t have to have been awarded an Award of Arms to register a name or device.

Marshal: His Excellency William Geoffrey the Rogue stated fighting continues to happen, handed over $xx tithe to the exchequer. He will not available to open the hall for fighting next week and may be late the following week, so arrangements were made to open the hall in his stead.

Exchequer: Lord Charles Rose noted the previous meeting’s $xx tithes have not yet not been deposited. Total funds, omitting tithes, is $xxxx.xx. A check for The Scouts was dropped off and they were asked by email to verify when they have received and deposited the check. He is working on his quarterly report. A check for $xx needs to be written for site reservation for Stitch n’ Thyme and at the beginning of November, a check for $xxx needs written to The Scouts for use of the lodge.

Arts & Sciences: Æsa Rouðfeldr did note that Arts and Sciences projects continue to be worked on, including stitching and garb making.

Chronicler/Web: HL Eilaf Spiaelbodhason stated that he has added a link to the Stitch n’ Thyme event website, to the CdV Website under the Events menu tab. Last month’s Meeting Minutes were posted in redacted format on the Shire Website. Continuing to work out the details of creating a spreadsheet for Shire Belongings.

Old Business
Wilhelm for Summer Offensive: Proof of insurance needed, event will be 3 days and site fee will be between $xx-xx. May need additional portable toilet. Camping will be behind stadium. Fighting will be allowed on football field. Stadium seating is covered. There is a permanent BBQ area, creek on site, showers available. Final agreement on October 10th and he is attending board meeting.

New Business
Solbella for Stitch n’ Thyme: 12 teachers signed up so far, possibly 6 more. The site is confirmed. The Website is up and running. The charters are going well and have not yet been sent. We are on our way to having a really good event.

Vote was cast succefully to allow Deirdre ni Phadraig macGriogair into the Office of the Chatelaine. Paperwork will commence soon.

Our Seneschal, Bjorki, has spoken with a former Baroness and the current Baron/Baroness of the Barony of Terra Pomaria about their interest in a co-event with Shire Coeur du Val, sometime. More communication will happen.

Our Heavy Marshal noted that his two years’ warrant is coming to a close and he expressed interest in a year extension.

Close @ 7:40pm

In attendance for the official business meeting held this 3rd Day of October 2019 were the following:

Wilhelm von Dusseldorf
Æsa Rouðfeldr
Charles Rose
Helyana de Peister
Solbella haTayeret
Garrick the Silent
William Geoffrey the Rogue
Diana de Winterton
Eilaf Spiaelbodhason
Nicole E.