CdV Meeting Minutes 10-4-2018

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm

Seneschal Report:
Seneschal opened and stated that he had spoken to the Scouts but nothing has been decided. Trying to locate new site for Summits A&S. Officer Reports are due by the 15th.

Herald Report:
Willhelm performed 2 consultations at Acorn War as well as voice heraldry. It was a good networking event. Spoke to others about regalia standards and submitted Shire Badge to use as Populace Badge.

Chatelain Report:
Jacob reports that the demo at the showing of Willow at the Whiteside Theater went well and we had about 14 volunteers and 130 people in audience. Overall reception was very good. Conversation was had about potential for a demo at Saturday Market.

Arts & Sciences Report:
Seneschal Bjorki reported by proxy that the equestrian demo in Philomath is coming up and that Sir William and Anna will be overseeing it.

Exchequer Report:
Exchequer Dyrfinna reports $xxxx.xx current funds with one check to NMS Surcharges outstanding for $xx.

Additional Old Business

Summer Offensive
Camping available on site. No issues with combat happening. School Principal is looking forward to the proposal. The site is dry and fire may be restricted.

New Business

Garrick is making braided site tokens for future use. Rufus is working on a new Shire Customary and the state of Shire Facebook Pages and Groups was discussed.

Meeting was closed and adjourned at 8:00pm.

In attendance for the official business meeting held this 4th of October 2018 were the following:

Dyrfinna Thrirdrakkarfjorden
Wilhelm von Dusseldorf
Æsa Rouðfeldr
Marcus Octavius Rufus
Jacob Redbourne