Meeting is opened at 7:00pm
Seneschal: Lord Bjorki reported having nothing new to report.
Herald: Herr Wilhelm von Dusseldorf had naught new to report save from still waiting to hear back from Black Lion regarding his application and that he is expected to be at 12th Night.
Marshal: His Excellency William Geoffrey the Rogue noted $xx in donations turned in and fighting is still happening.
Chamberlain: Jacob did note that the auction at Stitch ‘n Thyme went well.
Exchequer: Lord Charles Rose (by proxy) stated $xxxx incoming funds, outgoing $xxx, $xxx due in Dec. for Scout Lodge, Making our current balance $xxxx.xx. Total profit from Stitch ‘n Thyme being $xxx.
Arts & Sciences: Æsa Rouðfeldr noted that wreath making will happen next week as planned.
Chronicler/Web: HL Eilaf Spiaelbodhason stated that he has nothing new to report.
Old Business
Wilhelm for Summer Offensive: Need proof of insurance and site fee will be about $xxx for the weekend.
Solbella for Stitch n’ Thyme: Website has been updated. Kingdom calendar is updated lots of classes with more info coming soon. She did request a vote for $xxx for gate and garb exchange, which passed. Setup will be Friday night before at 6pm. Gate will open at 9am on Saturday with morning setup at 7am. No court is currently planned unless an attending guest has the need.
New Business
Summer offensive and Lebus to be added to calendar.
Change of Officer Forms were signed for HL Deirdre no Phadraig macGriorgair (Chatelaine) and Valka Jarngyldir (Social Media Deputy).
Closed 7:53pm
In attendance for the official business meeting held this 5th Day of December,2019 were the following:
Marcus Octavius Rufus
Wilhelm von Dusseldorf
Helyana de Peister
Solbella haTayeret
William Geoffrey the Rogue
Æsa Rouðfeldr
Valka Jarngyldir
Jacob Redbourne
Eilaf Spiaelbodhason