CdV Meeting Minutes 6-6 2019

Opened 19:00

Seneschal: BSA, demo 27th 1225-1255 – volunteers wilhelm Sir Garrick, and Æsa, came from
Kingdom, location not yet finalized

Exchequer (past): $xxxx.xx not counting outstanding.

A&S: Art happened. T-tunics next week, silk painting later this month.
When is Grandthing? (Same as investiture) 21-23 Jun
Discussion of favors.

Herald: Egils, 5 consults 12+ short questions at consult table, some town cry, 1 court (assisting),
assisted in silent herald class.
deputy (Æsa) did 2 consults, town cry, field, Silent for several courts. 1 class taught.

Marshal: fighting happened. $xx donations turned in. Charging in a wheelchair is not allowed.

Old business:
New exchequer. Present, hasn’t got the stuff yet, training happening.
Tuesday to remove Tia from signer and put new Exchequer on accounts.

Summits A&S event: check not arrived, now full take owed to kingdom $xxxx. NMS was
received. Both sent to Marciello. Solbella advises talking to Marciello.

Summer Offensive: training.

New Business
Business Meeting pushed back from 4th Jul to 11th Jul due to holiday.

Scout Camp? Dates? Relocate to Avery Park.

Close: unanimous 19:25.

In attendance for the official business meeting held this 6th Day of June 2019 were the following:

Garrick the Silent
Wilhelm von Dusseldorf
Æsa Rouðfeldr
William Geoffrey the Rogue
Diana de Winterton
Dyrfinna Thrirdrakkarfjorden
Solbella haTayeret
Charles Rose