CdV Meeting Minutes 8-1-2019

Opened 7:02pm.

Seneschal: Bjorki opened by stating that all reports are in and nothing else new to report.

Exchequer: Charles Rose noted that the new bank statement hasn’t yet been received. NMS check is sent sent but is still outstanding and the current balance after deducting outstanding checks, is $xxxx.xx. A check for $xxx needs to be sent to The Scouts for use of the Lodge.

Chronicler: Nothing new to report.

A&S: Æsa noted that much work is still happening on Tuesdays at Practice. Nothing new to report.

Herald: Wilhelm stated nothing new to report locally. Lots of paperwork to get done by this Sunday and 2 local submissions are at the Laurel level.

Chamberlaine: Jacob stated that there is a date for this Saturday to do inventory, photos will be taken for future reference.

Marshal: William Geoffrey was absent and reported by proxy that fighting is still happening on Tuesdays. He had collected donations which will be turned in next month.

Old business

Summer Offensive: Wilhelm
Waiting to schedule use of the building.
Received many thank you cards from Scouts who attended the demo.

A Stitch in Time: Solbella
Proposed date is 11/16/19
Scout Lodge $xx Friday through Saturday
Collegium schedule 4-5 tracks of 3-4 classes each
$xxx going out including $xxx for sideboard
Voted unanimously to move forward.

New Business
No new business discussed.

Vote to close was cast unanimously at 7:29pm.

In attendance for the official business meeting held this 1st Day of August, 2019 were the following:

Wilhelm von Dusseldorf
Æsa Rouðfeldr
Helyana de Peister
Solbella haTayeret
Charles Rose
Allen Greywolfe
Jacob Redbourne
Eilaf Spiaelbodhason