CdV Meeting Minutes 9-5-2019

Opened 7:01pm.

Seneschal: Bjorki opened by noting he had received emails with updates regarding insurance matters. Otherwise, nothing else new to report.

Exchequer: Solbella haTayeret did note by proxy that $xxx in tithes have been sent in for the Rifle Sale and $xx for Non-Member Surcharges are settled in the account. We have not yet received word on the possible use of Direct Deposit for banking matters regarding the Scouts. Current bank statement shows $xxxx.xx leaving $xxxx.xx after deducting outstanding checks from Scouts.

Chronicler: Eilaf stated that he would like to start looking into appointing a Social Media Deputy, at which, Allen Greywolfe noted his interest and will begin studying the Social Media rules.

A&S: Æsa noted that they went to Adiantum’s Art’s and Sciences Night and learned much. Art’s and Sciences continue to thrive at Fighter Practices and have focused on the making of tunics and jewelry.

Herald: Wilhelm had one consultation this month and continues to follow-up on previous submissions.

Marshal: Viscount William Geoffrey the Rogue turned-in $xx in donations to the Exchequer Box and noted nothing else new to report.

Chamberlain: Jacob did note that all Shire inventory has been gone through and many photos were taken for reference. A box of questionable items was gone through to sort out any ‘relics’ that we may want to keep. It was brought up that we may create a spreadsheet for the Chronicler/Web Minister to maintain which would show inventory and photos, as well as allow access to certain members to be edited.

Old business

Summer Offensive: Wilhelm von Dusseldorf
Paperwork has been turned in and it is possible that it may be a three day camping event with the possibility of showers and potable water. We should have an answer from the Board by next month. Thanks was given for having a nine-month notice of use.

A Stitch in Time: Solbella haTayeret
Event is off-and-running with over 40 potential teachers contacted. The event website is now in the works.

New Business

Lady Deirdre ni Phadraig macGriogair has asked to put in for the Office of Chatelaine, which is now open. A vote will commence at next meeting.

Meeting was voted closed at 7:32pm.

In attendance for the official business meeting held this 5th Day of September, 2019 were the following:

Wilhelm von Dusseldorf
Æsa Rouðfeldr
Helyana de Peister
Solbella haTayeret
Valka Jarngyldir
Allen Greywolfe
Jacob Redbourne
Eilaf Spiaelbodhason
William Geoffrey the Rogue
Diana de Winterton