Meeting called to order at 7:05pm
Seneschal Report:
Seneschal Bjorki reports that much has been moved from the storage unit to Solbella’s house and the rest, possibly this weekend?
Heavy Marshal Report:
Fighting has been happening. Donations were given to the Exchequer.
Herald Report:
Wilhelm Voice work and Book Work at Tri-Baronial Yule.
Chatelaine Report:
Chatelaine reports no new business.
Exchequer Report:
Exchequer Dyrfinna reports that the available bank balance $xxx after Boyscouts and Storage Locker.
Old Business
Working on emails. Nothing new on Customary so sending to the populace for approval.
New Business
ASB February 9th at Scout Lodge. ADA appropriate. Has been posted and has its own website. Alpine Scholar Bardic, A&S Display, 24+ teachers contacted. Youth Showcase. Friday-Sunday $xx, dry site, people can sleep over but must be clean and empty by 11am.
In attendance for the official business meeting held this 6th of December 2018 were the following:
Garrick the Silent
Jacob Redbourne
Wilhelm von Dusseldorf
Æsa Rouðfeldr
Marcus Octavius Rufus
Diana De Winterton
William Geoffrey the Rogue
Dyrfinna Thrirdrakkarfjorden